Category: <span>Childhood and Education</span>

“Healthy” Children and “Healthy” Schools

The Rising Generation’: Laying Claims to the Health of Adolescents in English Canada, 1920-70 The beginning of doctors subcategorizing adolences Medicalization of children Child welfare Sexually transmitted diseases were one on the greatest public health problems of this time Domestic science was the best form of schooling for girls, and …

Separate Childhoods and Indigenous Education – 2

It Was Two Different Times of the Day, But in the Same Place’: Coast Salish High School Experience in the 1970s High school is especially hard for those of Aboriginal descent Many Aboriginal students didn’t even graduate high school Residential schools have affected the way the Aboriginal students learn today, …

Separate Childhoods and Indigenous Education – 1

Schooled for Inequality: The Education of British Columbia Aboriginal Children First Nation adults have the highest rates of alcoholism, abuse, suicide, poverty and incarceration in Canada; This can be related back to the abuse they have suffered from the residential schools they were once a part of The event that …

Gendered Expectations of Youth and the Feminization of Teaching

Boys Will Be Men, Girls Will Be Mothers: The Legal Regulation of Childhood in Toronto and Vancouver The ideas about childhood are tied closely with family and sexuality Middle-class individuals fell into the stereotypical roles that were given to them Paper focuses on Ontario and British Columbia It was deviant …